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SMMC holds ESMP public consultation round

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SMMC holds ESMP public consultation round
St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) held the recently announced public consultation round with regards to the draft Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the planned construction works for the new hospital on Monday November 26th, 2018 at SMMC.
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| Categories: Events, Press Releases | Tags: | View Count: (7310) |
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SMMC specialists hosting Health Educational Lectures
St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) will be hosting a series of academic lectures. The lectures will be held on two separate dates, Saturday November 24th, and Saturday December 1st, 2018.
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| Categories: Events, Press Releases | Tags: smmc, specialists, lectures, medical specialists, educational | View Count: (2653) |
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St. Maarten Medical Center celebrates Day of the Legends and Orris Jack Bell Award
The St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) held its fourth annual Nurse Orris Jack Bell Award.
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| Categories: Events, Press Releases | Tags: NURSES, LEGENDS, AWARDS, SMMC | View Count: (1886) |
10.00 ( 1 reviews)
SMMC World Kidney Day Celebration – Creating Awareness and Support
The St. Maarten Medical Center celebrated International World Kidney day on Thursday March 8th 2018. The specialists, staff and patients of the SMMC Nephrology department created activities, such as radio interviews, press releases and social media activities leading up to the in-house celebration whereby public information sessions were held on the SMMC patio.
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| Categories: Events, Press Releases | Tags: nephrologists, dialysis, world kidney day, women health, dialysis nurses | View Count: (5933) |
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The SMMC hosted an appreciation celebration event for their heroes, current and former oncology patients. The theme of the event was an ‘Appreciation Celebration; Surviving the Odds’.
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| Categories: Events, Press Releases | Tags: oncology, celebration, events, SMMC, cancer | View Count: (2783) |
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