Please Wait a Moment


The Emergency Room at the St. Maarten Medical Center is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, so our staff stands ready to serve you and your family when you are most in need. This information brochure will explain how this will be achieved.

Registration of personal details:

  • You will first register by the receptionist/cashier. There you will present your valid ID and insurance card or other form of payment.
  • Once registration is completed you will wait in the waiting room until you are called by the triage nurse.

When you are called into the Triage Room:

  • Clearly state your symptoms to the Triage nurse.
  • The Triage nurse will assess the seriousness of your symptoms. This is to determine the order in which you will be seen for treatment.
  • If you are in pain, painkillers can be given if required.
  • Depending on the seriousness of the Triage assessment, you will either be seen immediately by the ER doctor or will have to wait in the waiting room.

When your are in the waiting room:

  • We will keep you informed as best as we can concerning the length of time you may have to wait.
  • The order in which patients are seen depends on the seriousness of their complaints. It can therefore happen that people who come into the ER later than you, may still be called in before you.
  • In case you need to have certain investigations or treatments, you are advised not to eat or drink anything without the permission of the nurse or doctor.
  • If you feel your condition is worsening while you are waiting please let the nurse know immediately, by using the call button.

Treatment in the treatment room:

  • When it is your turn to be seen, your name will be called by the nurse or doctor.
  • When you are called into the room, you may bring ONE person with you (if the patient is a child less than 5 years, then two persons may accompany him or her). An exception to this rule can only be decided by the nurse.
  • In the interest of everyone’s privacy, we ask you and your support person to stay in your room.
  • If you have questions relating to the progress of your investigations or treatment, you can ask your nurse or doctor.

Administration concerning your discharge:

  • If all goes well, the ER doctor may send you home with written instructions and/or medications. It can be that you may receive a letter for your family doctor or a specialist for follow-up care.
  • If you are recommended to be admitted this will be discussed with you and your support person.

Important things to know when visiting the ER:

  • Smoking is not allowed in the toilets, waiting and treatment rooms.
  • If you wish to use your phone, we advise you to do so outside the ER.


  • We do our best to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible. We would like to ask you to treat us similarly with respect.
  • In the case of threatening behaviour or aggression, we always report this to the police.
  • If you have any suggestions or complaint about your visit or treatment at the ER, you can contact the complaint officer at 543-1111 ext. 2506 from Mondays through Fridays (except Wednesdays).

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Get in Touch

  •  Phone : +1 721 543 1111
  •  Email :
  •  Fax : +1 721 543 0116
  •  Address : Welgelegen road 30 Unit 1
  •  Address : Cay Hill, St Maarten

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