Medical Specialties

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Internal Medicine


Our Clinic

Our full-service Internal Medicine department provides comprehensive medical care for adult patients by way of general internal medicine consultations and procedures that cover disciplines such as endocrinology, infectiology, allergology, vascular medicine, gastroenterology, hematology, and oncology. The clinic is staffed by internists, who are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions, including chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure and closely work with each patient to develop a personalized care plan and may collaborate with other medical specialists, as needed, to provide the best possible care. We also have a state-of-the-art IV Therapy Suite where patients can receive IV therapies such as chemotherapy, in a peaceful, healing environment, cared for by our specialized IV therapy nurses.

For an appointment please call: 543-1111 ext 1300

Medical Specialists

Dr. Sonja van Roeden

Dr. Sonja van Roeden

Dr. G. van Essen

Dr. G. van Essen

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Dr. S. Khodabaks

Dr. S. Khodabaks

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Get in Touch

  •  Phone : +1 721 543 1111
  •  Email :
  •  Fax : +1 721 543 0116
  •  Address : Welgelegen road 30 Unit 1
  •  Address : Cay Hill, St Maarten

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