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SMMC Cardiologist Receives Generous Donation

SMMC Cardiologist Receives Generous Donation

Ever so often a patient is left with such incredible service that they go above and beyond to show their gratitude. A few weeks ago Mr. Paul Bernstein, an American visitor, showed the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) just such gratitude with a donation of $10.000, - dollars.  

While visiting St. Maarten last March, Mr. Bernstein required some unexpected care from our medical center. He was admitted through the Emergency Room Department (ER) and required attention from the hospital’s Cardiologist Dr. Emiko Bird-Lake. The hospitality and care that Mr. Bernstein received from both the ER and Dr. Bird-Lake prompted him to ask Dr. Bird about the needs of the hospital, because he wanted to donate significantly as a thank you.

At the time Dr. Bird understood the level of gratitude Mr. Bernstein expressed verbally, but she did not expect such a generous act to be followed up. In the work done at SMMC the hardworking men and women do their best to help their patients and do not expect anything in return. So, imagine Dr. Bird’s surprise when she found a $10.000, - check in the mail wherein Mr. Bernstein once again declared his sincere appreciation to the team that dealt with him at the ER and to Dr. Bird as well.

As Dr. Bird expressed, there are many stories like this where good care is received at SMMC and many people, locals and visitors, leave grateful for the care they receive at the hospital. Not often the appreciation is expressed with such generosity, but many are satisfied and give their thanks in the best way they can.

Dr. Bird-Lake, the ER team and the St. Maarten Medical Center are very appreciative to Mr. Bernstein and his remarkable gift. The donation was specifically meant to advance the organization’s Cardiology Department and the check shall be put to the purchase of necessary equipment for the department.

Donations are always appreciated by the St. Maarten Medical Center. If you would like to contribute to your local hospital, donations can be made by contacting the Communications Department for more information about the hospital’s donations program at 543-1111 ext. 2508.

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