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SMMC delighted with appointment of Dr. Felix Holiday as CEO

SMMC delighted with appointment of Dr. Felix Holiday as CEO

St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) is pleased to announce the appointment by the Supervisory Council, with the approval from the Minister of VSA and Council of Ministers, of Dr. Felix Holiday as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairperson of the Board of Directors per February 1st, 2024. The appointment was confirmed on January 3rd, via a letter from the Minister of VSA.

Born and raised on St. Maarten, upon completing his tertiary education in medicine with a specialization in General Surgery in the Netherlands and Belgium, Dr. Holiday joined SMMC in 2005 as General Surgeon. Since then, he has held the positions of Emergency Room Supervisor, Medical Care Coordinator, Medical Director and Interim CEO.

During his time at SMMC, he has been instrumental in the strategic, tactical and operational management of the organization, including the introduction of numerous medical specialties and subspecialties. He chaired the Disaster Management Team and the Outbreak Management Team, guiding the hospital through hurricane Irma and the COVID-19 pandemic. As interim CEO, he ensured the (financial) continuity and development of the hospital, including the SMGH construction project and various other projects funded by the Trust Fund and managed via the World Bank.

Dr. Holiday participates in teaching activities associated with the American University of the Caribbean and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He has held several positions that, in addition to his training and certifications, contributed to his board-level experience. Currently, he is president of the Supervisory Board of the Mental Health Foundation and board member of the Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance (DCHA).

Dr. Holiday fulfills the medical profile within the Board of Directors and Versant Accountants and Consultants will continue to provide interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO) services while the recruitment of a new, permanent CFO for our dynamic organization continues. Dr. Holiday will remain practicing as General Surgeon.

SMMC is extremely proud of Dr. Holiday and this momentous accomplishment and wish him much success as he continues to help the organization further its mission of providing high-quality, patient-centered care close to home.

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