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Working women express a greater desire to breastfeed while in the workplace
102 employees from 10 institutions took part in a survey to determine how local businesses cater to employed women who choose to breastfeed their babies. Men with partners who have breastfed as a working mom also took part. The results showed
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Breastfeeding Working in the Workplace

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Breastfeeding Working in the Workplace
In the weeks after your baby is born there is nothing more special than being able to spend time home with your baby; marking resemblances, counting ten fingers and ten toes-maybe ten times a day too- and bonding with your baby as you breastfeed. Then all too soon, it is time to return to the work place.
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What about Breastfeeding? A Pediatrician's Perspective
This week as the St. Maarten community recognizes World Breastfeeding Week, August 1-7th, Dr. Tilanus gives some insight to the importance of breastfeeding to child development.Breastfeeding is the most important and balanced feeding of every newborn. The content of breast milk supplies all the daily requirements in (healthy) term newborns. Breast milk is
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Nephrologist Care for Dialysis Patients

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Nephrologist Care for Dialysis Patients
In a most comfortable position they watch TV, read the daily newspaper, take a nap or have short and friendly debates with those whom they share one of their greatest life-changing experiences with. This light, spacious and fully air conditioned room is
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Happy Women’s Day SMMC Empowering Women in all Stages of Life
International Women’s Day is observed annually on March 8. One day in the year can never be enough to celebrate the struggles and victories of women across the globe.
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