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Johan de Koning: Improving Quality and Safety at SMMC
Manager Quality and Safety talks about improving quality and safety in SMMC.
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Mary’s Precious Gift, A Kidney Transplant

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Mary’s Precious Gift, A Kidney Transplant
Some may call her a number, a statistic, that one individual in every 750 persons who is born with only one kidney. But Mary Ettenat calls herself a blessing. She enjoys life, happy to be in good health after getting a better quality of life with a kidney transplant
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10.00 ( 1 reviews)
A Matter of Time:  Teresita gets Kidney Transplant before Dialysis Reality
A few weeks before total kidney failure and her birthday, Teresita Dalson Wilson got her best birthday gift ever, a kidney from her son. With a kidney transplant the 60 year old wife and mother of three received a better quality of life.
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Involvement and benefits of breastfeeding for Dad

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Involvement and benefits of breastfeeding for Dad
As a new or prospective father, you are probably somewhat familiar with the benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby, but did you ever stop to think about what is in it for you?
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What can you do to increase breast milk naturally?
Babies have a sucking reflex that enables them to suck and swallow milk. Experts recommend that newborns be breastfed within one hour of birth and exclusively breastfed for the first six months, and then breastfed until
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