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SMMC takes additional measures in light of resurgence of COVID-19

SMMC takes additional measures in light of resurgence of COVID-19

In light of the resurgence of active COVID-19 cases on St. Maarten, the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) of the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has decided to take additional measures in limiting the possible exposure to the virus and to keep SMMC’s care capacity at the highest level in case of confirmed COVID-19 case(s) needing admittance to SMMC and/or its COVID facilities.  As such the following decisions have been made.

Scaling back non-essential care
Non-essential care such as elective surgeries and certain Outpatient services (e.g. high exposure risk procedures such as aerosol generating procedures etc.) will be scaled down. SMMC will however continue to provide essential care, critical care services and will increase teleconsultations. Persons interested in making appointments should call rather than coming to the hospital.

Increasing isolation capacity

In an effort to create additional isolation capacity for COVID care, in addition to the existing COVID facility located outside SMMC, additional patient isolation rooms used during the first COVID surge will again be allocated for this purpose. This is done in case the need for additional COVID care arises due to a significant increase in COVID admissions that our outside COVID facility cannot accommodate.

Patient visiting hours suspended, facemask and hand hygiene

Patient visiting hours have been suspended since late July. In the meantime, in the interest of public health and in an effort to minimize the transmission of the virus, everyone is reminded to wear their face masks in public, social distance when possible, avoid large gatherings and practice proper hand hygiene.

What to do if you have COVID symptoms

SMMC urges persons experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headaches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea to CALL their House Doctor or contact the CPS hotline at 914 (or 542-1122, 542-1222). Persons experiencing symptoms such as trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, the inability to wake or stay awake and bluish lips or face should contact the Ambulance Department by calling 912 and await further instructions.

“SMMC would like to take the opportunity once again to thank all staff for their hard work, contributions, understanding and cooperation during these times of uncertainty. Our staff is one of our main priorities and we will continue to take the necessary measures and precautions to continue to ensure their safety and wellbeing and that of our patients”, stated SMMC’s Medical Director and OMT Chairman Dr. Felix Holiday.

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