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SMMC continues to innovate services with newly installed ultrasounds

SMMC continues to innovate services with newly installed ultrasounds

During the month of March, the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) installed three new 3D-ultrasounds for the Radiology, Gynecology and Cardiology departments respectively. The arrival of the innovative ultrasounds was met with enthusiasm as they that will better assist the specialist with diagnosis and treatment. The 3D-ultrasounds were delivered and installed by MED-X International. In addition, MED-X sales specialist Richard Soutar and an accompanying registered Nurse trained the SMMC specialist on the most optimal use of the machines.

An ultrasound is a safe and effective, non-invasive, non-radioactive imaging method.  3D-ultrasounds enable specialist to move beyond the point of just taking one slice of an image. The enhanced capacities of the machines enable visualization of the anatomy, in a manner similar to the actual views encountered during surgery. These ultrasounds enable specialists to detect abnormalities, provide improvement in the accuracy of diagnosis and give an enhanced view of the human body.  However, the most important benefit of the ultrasounds is the opportunity for better patient management, by way of faster and more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

For the SMMC Cardiology specialists this means that the heart can now be viewed digitally just as it would be seen during an open heart surgery. An added unique feature is the placement of the monitor in the room where patient diagnosis occurs. The cardiology ultrasound provides a more in-depth visual of the patient’s heart i.e. the realistic and unique views of cardiac valves and congenital abnormalities. This gives ample opportunity for accurately pinpointing areas within the heart/wall where there might be an issue. “We are excited about the possibilities of being able to provide quicker diagnosis for our patients. This will give us the opportunity to quicker implement treatment with the focus on getting patients better faster” said Cardiologist Dr. Bird during the ultrasound software training.

Radiologist Dr. Brice foresees the new ultrasound as a great improvement for the SMMC Radiology department. Traditional ultrasounds were slow and labor-intensive which meant longer waiting time for results and treatment options.  In addition to comprehensive diagnostic ultrasounds of the body, abdomen, breast and upper and lower extremities, it is also useful during and after operations for immediate feedback on the effectiveness of surgical interventions. “This machine has much more features than its predecessor. It has made a difference in the speed and the accuracy of providing diagnosis for our patients” said Dr. Brice. 

The improved features are enabling the gynecologists to see clearer in to the womb and reproductive organs.  This improves the ability to accurately diagnose certain gynecological concerns such as locating fibroids and polyps, concerns of tumors in the ovaries etc.  In addition, the 3D ultra sound creates a unique experience for new/expecting parents. With the onset of 3D technology, parents now have an additional way to get a clearer picture of their baby. After assessing the first week of the new ultrasound operation Gynecologist Dr. Roumans stated “We are very happy with the innovative ultrasound. The feedback within the first week of its use has been very positive. It has enabled us to provide improved services to our patients.”

| Categories: Press Releases | Tags: ultrasound, cardiology, radiology, gynecology, MED-X international, 3-D ultrasound, innovation, SMMC, Medical specialists | View Count: (2435) | Return
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