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Dr. Mercelina-Roumans Returns to SMMC

Dr. Mercelina-Roumans Returns to SMMC

St. Maarten Medical Center is pleased to announce the permanent call-up in service of Dr. Patricia Mercelina-Roumans at the hospital.

Dr. Mercelina-Roumans will work together with the Obstetrician/Gynecologist medical team to provide continuity of care whenever a specialist is off island.

With 18 years of experience, including 10 years of experience at the SMMC, between 1999 and 2009, Dr. Mercelina-Roumans is happy to return to the island and people.

“I always loved it here. What I like the most about working at SMMC is that you can give the personal care that the patient need; not only ‘what is according protocol’.”

When Dr. Mercelina-Roumans left St. Maarten, she returned to Holland where she worked in a big and growing hospital as Department Head OBGYN, doing clinical work and training resident doctors.

“I’ve always taught the doctors that they need to focus on giving personalized care to their patients, and keeping that patient-doctor relationship through scheduling as much as possible; otherwise, they can lose too much valuable information about their patient.

“Of course, this is easier to achieve in a smaller hospital like this. Even though I will only work whenever there is a need for a replacing OBGYN, I am happy that I can again give the care that is needed, to our population on the island and of course our neighbors and visitors.”

The SMMC is happy to welcome Dr. Mercelina-Roumans as a permanent call-up for the OBGYN services. 

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