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SMMC observes World Kidney Day

SMMC observes World Kidney Day

CAY HILL: The Dialysis Department of St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) is joining the rest of the world in observing World Kidney Day today, March 13th. World Kidney Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of the kidneys and reduce the prevalence of kidney disease.

According to Dr. Gabe van Essen, internist-nephrologist at SMMC, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the Dutch Caribbean region is four times higher than European counterparts. Dr. van Essen also stated that there is an increase of CKD worldwide due to an increase of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Early-stage CKD can be detected via blood or urine lab tests. Patients who are overweight or obese or suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure are encouraged to have these labs done with their house doctor. The earlier kidney disease is detected, the better the chance it can be managed without dialysis.

Dialysis as kidney replacement therapy is a viable option as most patients live long, healthy lives while on dialysis. While being on hemodialysis means that patients have to adjust their lifestyles due to treatment three times per week, dialysis replaces the function of healthy kidneys, allowing them to maintain most of their quality of life.

Another form of kidney replacement therapy, now also available at SMMC, is peritoneal dialysis, in which the patient's inner lining of the abdomen functions as the filter to remove waste products and excess fluids from the body. This treatment is done by the patient in his or her own home. As a third treatment option, SMMC is also part of the Trans-Atlantic Kidney Transplant program with the Amsterdam UMC, providing patients with kidney failure who meet the requirements with the option of receiving a kidney from a deceased donor or a family member or friend.

Dr. van Essen went on to state that while some cases of kidney disease are due to genetics or trauma, most cases can be treated by managing high blood pressure, treating proteinuria (an excess of protein in urine), lowering protein intake, treating high cholesterol, quitting smoking, losing weight and maintaining a normal BMI, regulating diabetes and most importantly, taking medication as prescribed. “Medication compliance is key!”.

Nurse Shekysha Chumney, a certified dialysis nurse, echoed Dr. van Essen’s statements and added “we try not to tell patients that they cannot eat a particular food as to them, it sounds very restrictive and they feel as if they can’t eat anything. We tell all patients that everything has to be done in moderation. If you’re used to eating three, perhaps eat just one and don’t eat it every day. Also, move! Get up and be active. Go for a walk, go swimming, go to the gym, play sports or whatever your preferred activity is but get moving”.

SMMC is proud to have a dedicated team of highly trained, qualified and dedicated professionals led by manager Christina Jacobs, supervisor Nurse Vaneska Plantein and assistant supervisors Nurse Georgina Mingau and Nurse Denise Louis at its Dialysis Department and wishes all its patients and the community a Happy World Kidney Day!

Patients wishing to make an appointment with SMMC’s Internists can do so by calling +1 (721) 543-1111 or 910 extension 1300 Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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