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SMMC suspends patient visiting hours in light of increase of COVID-19 cases

SMMC suspends patient visiting hours in light of increase of COVID-19 cases

 In light of the rise in positive COVID-19 cases on the island, St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has suspended in-patient visiting hours until further notice as a precautionary measure in an effort to continue to safeguard the health of their patients and staff.

As per July 24th, only persons with outpatient appointments will be allowed to enter the facilities. Certain exceptions are made as it concerns medically indicated companions and parents/guardians of minors, however these regulations will be strictly enforced. To further reduce the amount of traffic at SMMC, Medical Specialists will conduct consultations over the phone where possible. 

When asked about the reasons for the increased vigilance, SMMC’s Outbreak Management Team (OMT) responded “It has come to our attention that unfortunately some patients and persons visiting SMMC have not been accurate or completely forthcoming as it pertains to the mandatory COVID-19 pre-triage questionnaire that requires visitors and incoming patients to declare symptoms, travel history and contact with suspected or confirmed cases prior to entering the facilities. Because of this and the increase of positive cases on our island, we are forced to suspend patient visiting hours until further notice and adopt stricter controls at all of our entry points”.

“We would also like to reiterate that while there are two COVID-19 confirmed/suspected patients admitted to SMMC, all COVID-19 care is administered at the Mobile Medical Pavilion (MMP) and ICU Hospitainer located across from SMMC at the Basketball and Tennis courts of the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex. SMMC is committed to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of all of our patients and staff and will continue to make adjustments as this situation changes”.

SMMC thanks the general public for their cooperation and understanding and urges anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (Cough, fever, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and/or loss of taste or smell) to call their House Doctor or call the CPS hotline at 914.

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