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9 Tips for breastfeeding working mothers

9 Tips for breastfeeding working mothers

Most mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding their baby after returning to work are able to do so by pumping breast milk and storing it for the baby use when they are away. We have decided to provide you with some tips that may be helpful for you as a breastfeeding mother, or you may be able to share this with someone else. 

1. Start early
When you first bring your small, cuddly, sleepy bundle of joy home from the hospital the last thing you want to even think about is pumping! But it’s worth it to start early.
There are several benefits why:

  • By pumping early you will increase your supply
  • You can begin creating a “stash” of milk that you will be able to use when you go out or head back to work so you don’t have to worry as much about producing enough every day for the next day.
  • You are training your body how to respond to the pump and hopefully by beginning as early as possible you will eventually be able to produce better for the pump.

2. Stay hydrated
Breastfeeding mothers can dehydrate much faster than a non-breastfeeding mother, so proper hydration when breastfeeding is very important. Keep a water bottle with you so you can easily monitor your intake.

3. Pay attention to your diet
Make sure you have an adequate intake of veggies, fruits and proteins. Also, make sure you are eating enough. Many mothers may want to cut back on calories to in order to lose the weight gained during pregnancy, but do not cut back too much. Limit the amount of sweetened beverages and watch the calorie counts in your food rather than skipping meals or cutting back on the portions of food that is recommended for your body. 

5. Maintain a routine
Before you head back to work, you may be concerned about not being able to pump long-term because you would not be able to get away every 2-3 hours at work. You may want to try to pump three times per day: once in the morning, once at lunch, and once at night. However, this may not work for everyone. Find what works for you and your schedule and stick as closely to it as you can.
6. Get comfortable
Make sure you wear clothing that isn’t going to make it difficult to get the flanges of the pump into the appropriate position. Some people like to use a hands-free pumping bra. Whichever method you choose, be sure that you are comfortable and when you are expressing, try to stay relaxed.

7. Keep everything clean
When you do get home, use a bottlebrush and soap to get into all the nooks and crannies of the flanges. You should not need to clean the tubing unless milk gets in there. It is good to have a sterilizer for your breast pump. If you do not have one, after washing, let it soak in hot water for 10 minutes.

8. Get organized
It is important to create a system that works for you and your freezer situation. You can use breast milk storage bags because you can lay them flat to save room in your freezer. Always make sure to label the bag with the date you expressed the milk.

9. Have an extra set of parts (flanges, membranes, tubes) or a manual pump 
One of the worst things that can happen is that you get somewhere (i.e., work) and realize that you do not have all of your parts (or even worse your pump). You can buy an inexpensive manual pump or an extra set of flanges, membranes and tubes to keep in the car or at work. Chances are you will forget something at some point in your pumping career-so it’s best to be prepared.
Pumping takes time, energy, and dedication. You have to keep in mind that if you are pumping at work you will need to be sure your employer and co-workers understand that this is something you are committed to and that you need the time to make it work.

Recognize ahead of time that pumping will require sacrifices. Some days can be hard; some days you might feel like an expert and other days you may barely be able to produce a couple of ounces. Do not give up after just a couple of bad days. Take it one day at a time. Stay positive and think about the benefits for you and your baby.

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