On May 31st, 2013, 7 nursing assistants of the Saba Hospital and Nursing Home received their certificate of Certified Nursing Assistant.
This 6 month Accelerated Nursing Assistant Course was designed and executed by the Education Department of the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC).
In total, 9 candidates started the course; one dropped out and another is expected to sit the final exam in October 2013.
During the six month period, instructors Brunilda Illidge and Tony Pantophlet of the Education Department of the SMMC travelled to Saba to provide the classes to the candidates.
This certificate will equip those who are able and or willing, to follow the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) course, which will commence in October 2013.
Providing this course to the 8 Saba students is more than teaching new skills. It is bringing back self esteem and self worth to persons who never thought that they too are important and are able to make a difference in another person’s life in a professional situation.
Currently, the SMMC Education Department is busy with preparations for the final examinations of their 2 years Registered Nursing Course.
On June 27th, 2013 some 21 student registered nurses; 19 from St. Maarten and 2 from SABA, will sit their final exam and hope to graduate on June 28th, 2013.

In photo: Certified Nursing Assistant graduates, Instructor Brunilda Illidge (far left) and Coordinator and Instructor of the program, Antonio Pantophlet (far right).