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Dear Parents,

The time has come for you to take your baby to his/her new home. To ensure proper baby care at home, we present you with this brochure with a few tips on how to continue care after discharge.

Feeding/ Breast feeding:

All newborns should be fed at least 6-7 times in 24 hours, which is every 3-4 hours. We strongly encourage mothers to breastfeed.

  • If breastfeeding, your baby should be on the breast no longer than 10-15 minutes. Let your baby burp in between feedings before alternating to the other breast.
  • Increase bottle feeding daily by 10-15ml if tolerated. Do NOT feed baby at every cry, check pamper or give comfort.
  • If your baby refuses to drink more than 2 times, contact your family doctor, pediatrician or the emergency room.

Burping/Spitting up & Vomiting

  • Babies should be gently burped after feedings and occasionally during feedings.
  • It is common for newborns to occasionally spit up small amounts of milk, but if your baby spits up more than usual or vomits with force (projectile vomiting) bring your baby immediately to the emergency room or pediatrician.
  • Chocking, gagging and turning blue after spitting up is also abnormal and that will need medical attention immediately.


It is normal for your newborn to urinate at least 5 times and have 1 to 8 bowel movements in 24 hours.

If your baby's elimination patterns do not fall within this range in the first few weeks of his/her life always feel free to contact the pediatric ward or the pediatrician.

  • When changing the diaper, it is advised to avoid using perfumed wipes. These sometimes cause irritation to the skin.
  • Always apply Vaseline or Zink zalf cream to the buttocks.
  • Avoid wiping upwards to genital area. For girls, always wipe in a downwards position, from front to back.

Bathing your baby

Your baby should be bathed or sponged at least once a day. You may bathe your baby in a tub or a basin. If you do not feel comfortable, you can sponge him/her on the bed.

  • The water for your baby’s bath should be lukewarm, where you can test it by using your elbow.
  • Avoid using any type of soap on your baby’s skin, a little bit of natural oil to the bath water will work just fine. This also helps with keeping the skin moist.
  • It is okay, if your baby’s umbilical cord gets wet during bathing. Dry the cord thoroughly, this will do no harm towards your baby.
  • Always make sure to dry your baby’s head thoroughly, under the neck, between the toes, groin area and in the creases.

Umbilical cord:

Your baby’s navel stump should be cleaned periodically with alcohol 70% on sterile gauze and wrapped with a dry gauze. If the bandage and stump is frequently soiled this should be done more often.

  • It is likely for your baby’s umbilical cord to fall off in about 2 weeks after birth. If it happens to stay on longer, or if you see redness, discharge or bleeding from the cord, let your pediatrician know. The diaper should cover the baby’s navel stump.

Follow up care

Your baby’s navel stump should be cleaned periodically with alcohol 70% on sterile gauze and wrapped with a dry gauze. If the bandage and stump is frequently soiled this should be done more often.

  • After being discharged from the hospital it is recommended that you visit the Baby Clinic within 1 week.
  • Your baby will received his/her first vaccination at the clinic he/she is 2 months. It is always wise to check back with the pediatrician 1 week after discharge.


  • The definition of fever is a temperature of >38.0 °C or greater. Low temperature is below < 36.0 °C at early mornings.
  • A baby under 3 months old with fever is not acceptable. Do contact the emergency room immediately.
  • The correct way to check for fever is by using a rectal thermometer. You should always have one home.

Skin color/Jaundice

  • Your baby should be dressed warmly.
  • If your baby’s skin and eyes begin to look yellow, the baby could have jaundice; walking your child in the sun should help. Walks should be in the early morning (9am-10am) or late evening (4pm-5pm).
  • If jaundice/yellowness persist, go immediately to the emergency room.

Sleeping position

  • Your baby will need rest to preserve energy to ensure a healthy growth.
  • Do not place your baby on his/her back, especially after feeding.
  • The best position is to have your baby lie on the side (any side) with support.

We hope to have provided you with sufficient information. Thank you!

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  •  Fax : +1 721 543 0116
  •  Address : Welgelegen road 30 Unit 1
  •  Address : Cay Hill, St Maarten

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